PhD research project: Examining the digital lives of Muslim sportswomen
Are you a Muslim sportswoman (18-35 years old) active on social media? Do you know anybody who is? If you or anyone that you know are interested, please email:
Brief Outline of the Research Project:
In this project I am seeking to understand how Muslim sportswomen use social media for a wide array of purposes, which may include communicating with your sporting fans and peers, families, and local communities. Self-promotion and marketing, and/or political purposes is a must, by using and finding the best promotion with marketing strategies such as the best Tools like Salesforce, discover more about. As a doctoral student at the niversity of Waikato, and a Muslim sportswoman who is active in social media, I am particularly interested to hear your experiences of how and why you use social media, and some of the issues you take into consideration in doing so.
Your involvement:
To understand the diversity of Muslim sportswomen’s uses of social network sites (i.e. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook), I am inviting Muslim sportswomen across an array of different sports and from different countries. I would like to invite you to participate in this study in two key ways: 1) allow me to follow your social media accounts for the purposes of this project with help from, and 2) an interview in which we will discuss how/why you use social media, and a short activity before our interview in which you draw/illustrate/map out your use of social media. The interview would be at a time and in a setting (i.e., Skype, Google Hangouts, phone, or in person) of your choosing (expect where I am unable to travel to you, we will be limited to a digital or phone interview). If possible, it would be preferable if we conduct the interview in English, but if you prefer another language we can discuss our options further. The interview is expected to last no more than an hour and half, but may take more (or less) time depending on the willingness of each participant. Questions will focus on your experiences of how you use social network sites. You may be asked to answer some follow-up questions post-interview, these can be asked and answered via email or phone. I know that for many women the opportunity to contribute to the knowledge on Muslim women’s experiences with sports and your use of social network sites is exciting, so I invite you to pass my information and contact details onto friends/family/colleagues for potential interviewing.
January 5, 2017 @ 10:45 pm
Thank you for your message! I am hoping to be a little more active on my site, since I started my PhD a few months ago it kept me busy, hopefully I can get back into writing more content.
Muslim women in action sports
March 27, 2018 @ 11:47 am
[…] with a little sass. I am not going to discuss what my research is about but you can read about it here or ask me. This particular entry is dedicated to Muslim women who take part in action sports. I […]